Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Preggo running - 29 weeks

I have been totally MIA with blogging due to a remodeling project we have going on at the house that I want to get done before baby.  I've been keeping track of blogs I want to post via the manual method and I'll hopefully make it happen soon.  Right now we're on a vacation of sorts (more on that with a different post) and I'm in a hotel room while little M is napping so what better time?!?

I've still been running 3-4 days per week.  My longest run was 6 miles 2 weeks ago,but most runs are in the 2-4 mile range.  I've had some really off runs, mostly due to bladder pressure and one due to a weirdo heat wave.  If I can run in temps below 50 sans stroller I do pretty well.  B & and I had a pretty nice run after work a few days ago (with him pushing the stroller).  We walked a couple downhills - I know right???  walking downhills???  but that's when the bladder pressure is worse.  Regardless, we got in a nice evening run, had dinner, and then for an evening walk.  It's hard not to be outside when the weather is just perfect!

My last "run" was Saturday and I was having that lovely lower back/upper tailbone pain along with the normal bladder issues and decided it just wasn't worth it.  Preggo running is by no means (in general) a comfortable experience, but you also shouldn't be in pain.  Anyway, I ended up doing a 2 mile-ish walk pushing the stroller and then some yoga.  I'm not sure if this trip will lend itself to any runs this week, but there has already been a lot of walking, yoga, and a hike and it's not quite noon on Tuesday.  :-)

Although I have no plans to give up on running for these last few weeks my game plan has changed - at least once we're home and I have options.  My plan is to run more frequently with no expectations of time or distance.  If something doesn't feel right I just walk or go home and try again another day.  I'm also back to doing lots more yoga just like I did my last pregnancy.  Netflix quit carrying the prenatal yoga that I liked on instant play so I started using a free online yoga site that has morning, afternoon, and evening yoga sessions.  They are good, but pretty chill - great for stressful days.  For the most part I like doing "Jennifer Wolfe's Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga & Short Forms" - I usually try to do the 30 or 45 minute practice, but it's nice to have a 15 minute option if I'm short on time.

Anyway, who knows if I'll be able to run up until the day I deliver like last time, but I'm happy to still be in the game and feeling healthy up to this point.  :-)

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